Single-sided Hearing Loss

Hearing Aid Style

Single-sided Hearing Loss

Solutions for people with hearing loss in mainly one ear.

Single Sided Hearing Loss

Product Features

We typically recommend either a CROS or a BiCROS system. A CROS system consists of a single microphone and single receiver contained in two individual devices (one for each ear). The ear with little-to-no functional hearing is fit with the microphone-equipped device, and the ear with normal hearing is fit with the receiver-equipped device. Sound arriving at the ear with hearing loss will then transmit through a wireless connection to the receiver-equipped device on the normal-hearing ear — to help you hear sounds regardless of which side they’re coming from.

A BiCROS system consists of a microphone-equipped device that is fit to the poorer-hearing ear and a conventional hearing aid fit to the better-hearing ear that has some hearing loss.

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Customer Reviews

Nice place and nice people

Melinda Myrick, on Google

We’ve been coming here for years and have had very good service. Highly recommend

Sylvia Bielewski, on Google

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